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Utilizing Engineered Landfills for Hazardous Waste containment is problematic for many reasons.  In addition to high costs for construction, and lengthy permitting requirements the following issues can not ignored.  



Hazardous Waste Landfill under Construction

  • Waste must be continuously, financially insured and scientifically monitored creating a costly, perpetual obligation for the waste producer.

  • Waste must be excavated and hauled creating significant environmental disturbance to surrounding communties.  

  • Tremendous expenditures in equipment and fossil fuel consumption are required.

  • Landfill liners are made of multiple sheets of containment material requiring on-site mechanical sealing, and rigorous care to avoid unwanted penetrations of the material.

  • Ground Water conditions under and around the primary storage site and the new landfill location must still be addressed through chemical injection or construction of passive barriers to achieve a safe, toxin free condition.

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