JJG Environmental Solutions, llc
Ground Water Treatment and Beneficial Coal Ash Reuse Technologies
Calcium Polysulfide for Environmental Remediation
Calcium Polysulfide or "Lime Sulfur" is a readily available chemical compound produced by boiling chemical lime (CaO) in water with Sulfur (S). The chemical is used extensively in agriculture as a fungicide and insecticide. Calcium Polysulfide holds a GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) rating from the US FDA.
Calcium Polysulfide (CaSx) has been used in Environmental Remediation efforts since the 1980's. Calcium Polysulfide has been approved for Environmental use by the US EPA under a 2005 Re-registration Eligibility Decision (RED)*. In addition, the US EPA CLU-IN website* has identified Calcium Polysulfide as a chemical suitable for use in In-Situ Chemical Reduction of multiple toxic substances.

Elemental Sulfur

U.S. Navy photo
An environmental cleanup project at NSF Dahlgren, contaminated soil at a former chemical waste evaporation pond was removed and the site was further excavated to expose the groundwater table to allow application of a calcium polysulfide solution to assist in remediating groundwater contaminated with elevated levels of hexavalent chromium*.
Calcium Polysulfide Remediation